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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Name Aliases & Account Codes

I am currently working on a project that requires upload of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable information from another account system into Inprotech's accounting modules. To do this we have to get the account number from old system and record it in the Inprotech account number field so that the SQL that is written for the data load can match against the correct name.

The account code field is actually stored in the Name Alias table on the Name Alias tab in names. This tab was created many years ago to record, I think, the British IPO Client Number so that it could be written to British IPO forms using PassThru. The idea of the table was to also allow other name cross reference codes to be recorded against the name and hence an extra tab for Name Aliases and the picklist of Name Alias types. The account code is a system type and when completed a field on the main name becomes enable at the top of the screen to allow direct entry of the account code.

Name Aliases can be searched using the name picklist advanced filter dialog to find the applicable name. Unfortunately, this can take a bit of effort for the user to find and hence is probably not that much value. A better option is to place the Account Code in Search Key 2 (remembering to turn on related site option). This way the user can type in the name, the Inprotech name code or the account code from the previous system and the name will be found. This is a good aid in the change over of systems allowing the operators to maintain a level of familarity with codes that they have been working with as they get used to the new system.

If you don't want to see Name Aliases in the Names program there is a site option that turns it off.

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